How to Copy an Orkut Profile Image


If you have ever tried to copy a Orkut’s profile image, then you must be knowing that Orkut doesn’t allow the users to copy any profile image except one’s own. I found a little trick by which you can have the link of the profile image and then you can easily save it.

How to Copy an Orkut profile image?

Method #1 (For Firefox)

  • Right Click in the blank area > View Page Info.
  • Select the Media tab and find your image in there.
  • You will find all the images which you can see on the page here itself.
  • Find the one you are looking for (profile pic or may be some other) and save it by Save as button.

Method #2 (Requires Firebug Addon in Firefox)

This method requires little advance knowledge. For casual users, I would suggest using the Method #1 only.

  • Just Right Click on the image and select Inspect Element.
  • Source of the page will be displayed which is not displayed if you normally view the source in browser.
  • You will find the direct link to the image just 3 lines above the selected line.

Method #3 (Works in Opera Mini)

Its easier to copy the pics if you are using Opera Mini. Just open the profile page and then from the menu select Tools > Page Info > Download Images. All the images on that page will be listed. Open and save the one you want. Thats it.


Orkut displays your selected image as a background and then uses a 1 X 1 image over it. So when someone tries to copy the image, this 1 X 1 pixel image ( is copied. But if they want to display the image on the page, they need to send the url of the image to the browser so as to tell the browser from where to load that image. Do i need to say more?

What’s Next?

Now, even if Orkut implements a new piece of code that somehow hide the url of the image.

Update: They have done it now but its not hit proof anyway.

No matter what they do, the image can be copied with a single button. No matter what is shown on the screen, you can copy it. You just need to know the magic word (I mean the magic button and that too on the keyboard). I am talking about the Print Screen button here. Just take a screenshot of the screen and crop the portion you want. Thats it.

Ashfame’s Advice

Although images in album can be protected from others by restricting who can see the album but there is no way to protect the display image. My piece of advice is not to use personal pictures as display images to be on the safer side as there has been cases in India, when image of a lady was copied and then it was used on porn content.


59 responses to “How to Copy an Orkut Profile Image”

  1. Beta313470 Avatar

    Hmm what about “PrintScreen, paste and crop” or even easier use SnagIt!!

  2. @Beta3
    Well, you just got the magic button. ๐Ÿ˜€
    That is what I said above

    No matter what is shown on the screen, you can copy it.

    It let you find out the image url. This method just hints on how much Orkut is ineffective in protecting user’s privacy. You can always have a different & sometimes easy approach.

    1. can i knw how can v copy dp

  3. yep…I don’t use personal images anywhere….it is not a gud practice…

    1. akash agrawal Avatar
      akash agrawal


  4. @Techblissonline Dot Com
    Yeah, Thats why I am telling my friends (gals) to remove their images.

  5. Try using Firebug, it’ll be simpler. But then again, it’s Firefox only!

  6. @Thilak
    You can do this trick in firefox itself. Dj Flush of Sizlopedia told me about this.

    Right click > View Page Info > Select the Media tab. Find the image you want and there is a option for saving that image

    And you are done.

  7. every lock has its key ………….must be a loop hole
    so its better not to upload urs personal pics . or use any other animated photos .

    for smart guys , screen capture softwares are better to capture any photos on ur monitor screen , others use video capturing softwares to take any vids ( even flash ) ……thanks

  8. @popaye
    To display any image in browser, the image url must be send to the browser so as to let the browser know from where to load the image.
    Thanks for your valuable comment.

  9. Good comment. It brought light to an old idea I had.

  10. Hi,
    Do you know how to copy the original images coz the images that this will show are of medium size? any idea about getting the original size of the images?

  11. @pranz
    I don’t think they keep a separate copy. If they crop the image before using it then why would not they free their precious web space by cleaning up images that are not used (Uncropped images in our case).

  12. Ash,

    The link which you have given points to YOUR OWN image in orkut. ๐Ÿ˜†

    All the profile pics are same in the folder with a sub-path having a number with the pic saved in it as xxxxxxxx.jpg.

    BTW, I got your profile pic without even seeing your profile ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

  13. @Josh
    That is not my image. It is of my friend. ๐Ÿ˜›
    Catch me here :

  14. Haha, replied so soon; Good.

    Anyway, You got the point. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hey wait, I have heard this name somewhere…”Ashfame”…hmmm . You are in digit forum naa?

    I am also a member there known as Lucky_star.

    Google showed me this blog, while I was searching for something.
    Nice Blog.

    See you later, bye!

  15. @Josh
    Yeah you got me right.
    Actually I am back to track just today only. Got my exams done yesterday and I was dying to blog again. Glad to hear that SE landed you on my blog. Keep visiting.

  16. krunal Avatar


    (How to Copy an Orkut profile image?)

    your’s URL copying thing is not working anyway.
    tell me what else can be done

  17. @krunal
    It works for me and everybody else. Be more descriptive when you are asking queries. I will be glad to help you.

  18. @ Ashfame

    After clicking “View>Source” in IE or directly clicking “View Source” from Right click context menu, nothing is happening in Orkut profile.

    But in other sites a Notepad file appears.
    I think Orkut has now blocked viewing source.

  19. @Bond
    I don’t think so. I can view the source both in Firefox and IE. It must be a issue at your end. I recommend using firefox.

  20. Ashirwad Avatar

    thanx a lot maan… bros been irritating me to get his girlfriends pic ever since he saw it in orkut……finally some peace fr me thanx to u…[:P]

  21. @Ashirwad
    You are welcome. You can catch me on orkut here :

  22. thanks a lot….. becoz of ur page here i cud save a pic of my crush! ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. @Vivek
    Thanks. You can also check other Orkut related tricks on my blog. Keep visiting!

  24. nitin acharya Avatar
    nitin acharya

    thanks a lot for the info,buddy..really aprreciate it ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. hey wat about google chrome

  26. this trick no longer works

  27. @Suraj, Chirag
    Yeah I know that and will update the article shortly with the new working trick (both for Firefox & Google Chrome). Keep checking in and you can subscribe to automatically to receive updates.

  28. @Suraj, Chirag
    I have update the article, you can check it out now. This trick doesn’t work on IE as I was unable to view source of frames. I have tried this on Firefox & Chrome and if any opera user can confirm this, it will be great.

  29. […] recently updated my post on how you can copy orkut profile image and now today I am writing about how you can copy images in Orkut Albums as right click is disabled […]

  30. Better way in Firefox than method 2. Go to Tools > Page Info > Media , scroll down to the desired image and click save as button.

  31. @Sandeep
    Yes it can be done that way too but what I have mentioned will work even if the Media tab feature is removed from firefox. Although I admit that yours method is easy. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

  32. Yep, works well on opera too ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. hi dear…
    i am using opera, i cannot see pictures in others profile in orkut. what should i do?

  34. thanx man

  35. jaskirat Avatar

    there is one more way:-
    first let the image load(just view the pic normaly)
    everything you browse gets stored temporarily in the browsers cache
    Now just go to browsers cache and try to find it (by opening cache files with windows picture viewer or any other program) you’ll find the pic with the full resolution there….
    easy and worth trying…

  36. Garamujo, O Avatar
    Garamujo, O

    Go to the profile

    Press Alt + F3

    Search (Ctrl + F) for “backg”

    Press Enter 2x

    Copy manually the address


    Opera 9.64

  37. Thanks man
    Your profile pic saving method was cool

  38. Hello ashish,very informative work…Is there any way where we could view hidden albums in orkut

  39. itz really amazing. i’ve found my destiny here , i’ve been searchin for a wayout to copy my frends image thanz,for giving me a great info

  40. Garamujo, O Avatar
    Garamujo, O

    If Alt + F3 doesn’t work, try Ctrl + Shift + U

  41. hey bro i will try but i cant find this type of link i want to add new pic on my orkut profile but i also want my main picture current on orkut so what can i do…

  42. james bond Avatar
    james bond

    it doesn’t work bro i could not find this line….there are many lines starting with div but none of them contains background image information as yours….

  43. james bond Avatar
    james bond

    yo man it works the second method……of that frame type….

  44. Plsssssss tell me how to copy the image from others profile

  45. sorry’s not working..

  46. I have updated the article with a working trick.

  47. awesome

  48. manpreet bhatia Avatar
    manpreet bhatia

    hello…i need some help..about orkut..plz add me

  49. PRADEEP DURGE Avatar

    tanq buddy 4 givng me a sol. 4 ma probl …it was coolllll

  50. excellent worked perfectly ya !!!!
    yo yo yoooo!!!

  51. yah it worked for me yar thanks alot i am using mozilla fire fox and yes i got the image but is it possible to get the full image means of the same size that was with me when i uploaded it on my profile as the profile pic plz reply and thanks anyways

    1. It may be possible somehow but I am sorry I don’t know about it.

  52. dhananjai Avatar

    buddy, is these tricks works even now
    as i am not getting them work, may be
    orkut has solved the issue.

    1. No, they can’t resolve it completely. Never.
      Method #1 & #3 will work always and read the post carefully. You can use the print screen button too.

  53. thnks dude it wrkd …..