WordPress 3.0 New Default Theme – TwentyTen

Finally the WordPress new default theme has been added to the trunk which everyone will get with WordPress 3.0 as the default theme named TwenyTen. It’s based on the Kirby Theme by Ian Stewart released earlier this year as a proposal for a Default WordPress theme. The theme added to the core is

TwentyTen Theme features

  • Drop Down Page Menus

    wptheme1 The theme features drop down page menus.

  • 6 Widget Areas

    wptheme2 It offers two widgetized areas, 2 in Sidebar and 4 footer widgets.

  • Gallery Posts Styling

  • wptheme6 Gallery posts are styled too. It is important as WordPress is now largely used as a CMS.

  • Better SEO

    Archives, Category and Search Pages show now only excerpts instead of full posts improving the SEO. It has been observed that search’s broken as of now.

  • HTML 5 Validation

    The theme generates Valid HTML 5 code and some things which doesn’t do it already and being fixed up and the final version of this theme will definitely produce completely validated HTML 5 code.

  • Author Template plus Author Styling beneath each post

  • wptheme4
    Author Archives will show up the author information and then the posts made by them.


    Every post will display the author information section at the end of the post.

  • Sticky Posts Styling

  • wptheme5 Sticky posts are styled by default.

  • Much Improved and descriptive Page Titles for various Pages

    Page titles are improved with descriptive page titles.

  • Improved Read More Text

    Continue Reading has replaced Read more text to take the user the post page while reading its excerpt or teaser.

  • Control Excerpt’s Length via Functions.php

    Custom code can be used to control the excerpt length via Functions.php file.

  • Next and Previous Image Links when a gallery image is posted

    Image links in the gallery too have browsing links for the next and previous image links.

  • Header Image

    It uses a custom field for every post which means it can be set per post basis.

You can see the live demo of WordPress 3.0 theme on http://2010dev.wordpress.com/ or at http://wordpress.ashfame.com/ where I run the trunk version of WordPress.

You must have heard of WordPress Foundation too. It also runs the new WordPress 3.0 default theme – TwentyTen.

Do you like the new theme? I certainly did. Have your say!


6 responses to “WordPress 3.0 New Default Theme – TwentyTen”

  1. Bro,

    Is there available made Custom Navigation plugins a bit similar like WP 3.0?

    1. I didn’t get your point. Are you looking for a plugin which can provide custom navigation?

  2. Is there any way to hide the author information beneath each post?

    1. Surely there is. Create a child theme of Twenty Ten and then edit in the theme file

  3. thanks for the info. what is the name of the share this plugin you’re using?

    1. Its SexyBookmarks 🙂