Category: How To / Tutorials

  • Install bbPress locally offline on your computer

    Alright! This tutorial is based on a friend’s request who wished to install a local copy of bbPress on his laptop so that he can play around with it. Moreover I use it offline to develop themes and plugins. If you have ever installed WordPress or bbPress manually, then its exactly the same procedure but…

  • How to change an existing bbPress install into a SVN one

    I have earlier written about how you can install bbPress via SVN and now I am going to write on how you can change your existing installation to a SVN one so that you get the ease of upgrading to newer versions.

  • [bbPress Plugin] Remove meta generator tag

    Flaws are everywhere. The point is how quickly they are fixed but it seems that some users are lazy enough not to upgrade or go on for a vacation before they decide to update. bbPress adds a meta generator tag to the page which shows up the bbPress version but it is advised to remove…

  • Show post count and topics started in bbPress

    Every other forum script that we have on this planet displays the post count just below the user’s avatar but bbPress is different. Forums were build to interact and not inflate post counts but sometime I feel the need to have it when the users are not tech savvy and like to have loads of…

  • How to highlight first post in bbPress

    bbPress 1.0 made it super easy to highlight or style the first post of a topic by adding a DIV ID to it. Now bbPress will automatically wrap the post in a DIV names as per its position in the topic (<div id=”position-X”>). Now if we want to style the first post differently we would…

  • Show content on basis of logged in status of users in bbPress

    No big deal here, just basic php stuff here. Here I will show how to use bb_is_user_logged_in function to dynamically produce output on the basis that the user is logged in or not. Example #1 (Show ads only for non-logged in members and not for logged in members) Example #2 (Show some content only if…

  • Fix lost admin access in bbPress

    If you can’t see the admin link anymore and any attempt to access /bb-admin/ takes you back to the forum front page then it implies that you have lost the capabilities of an administrator with your user. Earlier it happened with users trying to integrate bbPress 0.9 with WordPress 2.7 or 2.8 but documenting it…