Category: WordPress
Use WooCommerce product image as its category image
WooCommerce is capable of showing category as well as products on its shop page and this is configurable from settings available in admin side but I can totally imagine running into the situation that categories don’t have their images uploaded and they will end up showing placeholder / default image. A quick solution would be…
How to use WooCommerce email design in custom emails
Let’s say you have already styled your WooCommerce email and want to use the same email design for a custom email, how will you go about that? Turns out its pretty easy. For the sake of simplicity , I am assuming you have the needed data in variables, change them accordingly as per your code.…
Fetch comments of a specific category in WordPress
WordPress already provides an easy function for fetching the comments get_comments() but the function only supports fetching comments of a particular user, or for a particular post and not fetching comments of a particular category. The code for the former two cases, is pretty simple but the last one is not so simple. Here are…
Which one to use WP_Query vs query_posts() vs get_posts()?
There are several instances where we want to display content other than what WordPress displays at a particular page. There are three methods which you can use, but each of them is meant for a specific purpose, otherwise why would they have existed? Makes sense? Good! Some tutorials use one, some other and many of…
Adding a custom user profile field to registration in WordPress
Sometime back a friend of mine asked me how can he add a custom registration field to the WordPress registration page, I asked him to google it as I have come across a lot of such tutorials but he was unable to do so and then I found the issue that either the tutorial is…
Remove WordPress Multisite data
Lots of articles are written across the web about how one can use WordPress Multisite capabilities to power several blogs from one installation. This feature comes from WPMU being merged into WP. Recently I was working with a client, which was stucked in between of the process of setting up and wanted me to complete…