Tag: WordPress plugin

  • Store Just WordPress Transients Persistently

    WordPress comes with an option of keeping cache in a persistent storage, if provided. It provides a great deal of performance since everything that WordPress was doing repeatedly on each page request now can be saved in the persistent cache storage (APC / Memcached / Redis) and retrieve easily & very fastly without doing much…

  • Updated Facebook Like Thumbnail WordPress plugin (v0.3.1) released

    I just pushed out the latest version of my plugin [Facebook Like Thumbnail](http://wordpress.org/plugins/facebook-like-thumbnail/), `v0.3.1` to be precise, on WordPress.org plugins repo. It should show up in your WordPress admin shortly if you are using it and if not, then here is yet another reason to try the plugin out if random or unwanted images show…

  • WordPress plugin Facebook Like Thumbnail Updates

    I have updated my WordPress plugin to fix Facebook Like Thumbnails to version 0.2 which I am sure will make the existing users happy! 🙂 Some of the users who quickly upgraded might be facing issues because of a silly mistake on my part. If the plugin has disappeared from the plugins listing, then you…

  • WordPress Plugin to fix Facebook Like Thumbnail

    Today, Facebook pushed live another change which made Like button work similar to what we had known the Share button to do. Just to brush up, Share button was used to show the Title, Description and a screenshot of the page which you shared and the Like button would only show up as a line…

  • Kontactr WordPress plugin

    My friend, Shankar Ganesh, is involved with Kontactr which provides an easy way for people to let others contact them. After some talk with my friend about implementing it as a plugin on the WordPress side, today I am going to do a quick post on Kontactr implementation on WordPress. Its very basic at the…

  • Show recent comments of a particular user in WordPress

    A friend asked for a help in his project where he required to list all the comments a registered user made on the site. So just for play, I created a small plugin which provides you with a shortcode which you can use on a page link example.com/my-comments/ or whatever. I am zipping it up…

  • WordPress dashboard in different language

    I am a freelancer and build sites powered by WordPress, bbPress & BuddyPress. Recently I took work from a client who operates a WordPress installation in a language other than English and it was a productivity killer for me as I wasn’t able to browse it quickly. I searched something and found two plugins which…