Install WordPress via fantastico

Installing WordPress via fantastico is the most easiest method of installing WordPress. However, it doesn’t offer options to change the default WordPress table prefix. This tutorial holds screenshot of cPanel under WpWebHost (recommended WordPress webhost). With other hosting accounts placement of options may vary but the procedure should be same.

Login into your cPanel account


Select Fantastico under Software / Services


Now select WordPress under Blogs


Click on New Installation


Here select the domain where you want to install WordPress like I have selected

If you want to install it in a subfolder of the domain or the sub-domain then specify the name in Install in directory.

Choose Admin username and password. You can choose Admin nickname, Admin email, Site name and  Description.


Click Finish Installation.

If you have any questions then feel free to ask via the comments.


3 responses to “Install WordPress via fantastico”

  1. […] Install WordPress via fantastico (Automatic Install) […]

  2. […] the tutorial to install WordPress (manually via FTP/SFTP, via fantastico or via SVN) first and then catch up with the whole series […]

  3. […] Install WordPress blog to your web hosting. Read the Full Tutorial. […]