How to take control of the Page Navigation of WordPress


This guest post was written by Mayank of ReviewSaurus. For more free software reviews, visit

Personally, I prefer that few things should remain under your control instead of any CMS and one of them is the way I want to display the Links in the TOP Navigation (usually, the about us, company, contact and similar links).

However, in most of the WordPress themes it is done all automatically and that’s one thing which I don’t prefer because there are many links which I don’t want to display in the Top navigation bar but instead, I want to show them in the Footer area (for e.g. Disclaimer, Sitemap etc.)

So, Here’s a simple way of making the change and I’m sure you will find it pretty easy and will think that why you couldn’t think of that. Of course those who know about it, can keep their mouth shut or rather leave some appreciative comments.

In order to make this change, please follow these steps :

  1. Go to WordPress admin presentation tab.
  2. Go to theme editor.
  3. Select Header.php file in some cases if the links are in the side bar then select sidebar.php
  4. Look for the following code in the file <?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=1&sort_column=menu_order&title_li=’ . __(”) . ” ); ?> or something similar, mostly the line will have wp_list_pages
  5. Remove that line
  6. Simply put the HTML code for individual links and you are all set!

I hope that you’ll like this post helpful and that you won’t have to display those important pages at the wrong location. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR THEME!


One response to “How to take control of the Page Navigation of WordPress”

  1. i wnat to dowload it through ur link anf it says that it is not a valid win 32 application pls tell me whta to do