SuperSify v0.9 – Alternative Sify Client


SuperSify is a alternate to the official Sify client. Are you fed up of the Official client or want a less resource hungry client or just want to give it a change, then think no more. Go & try SuperSify. Earlier Sify changed the technology based on login/logout of Sify Broadband and SuperSify was left behind. But now the developer has catch up with the new technology and has come up with SuperSify v 0.9 which is compatible with the new Sify authentication protocol.

UPDATE: Download SuperSify v 0.9 (81KB)
Its a very light utility that you don’t need to run in the background while you are logged in. Just login and it will terminate and when you need to logout, just logout. As simple as it is.

New in SuperSify v0.9:

Keep-Alive support added. Add this switch if you want SuperSify to keep you online.

The checkInterval parameter is the number of seconds after which SuperSify checks if you are still online. If you are not online, SuperSify will attempt to login immediately, reattempting every retryInterval seconds in case it the login attempt failed. SuperSify determines your “online” state by trying to open a connection to Note that no data is requested from Google, it only attempts to open a connection. If a connection cannot be established in 7 seconds, SuperSify will assume you are offline.

Usage : -a checkInterval/retryInterval

You just need to unzip the file in some folder. Open the command prompt / terminal in the directory in which you unzipped SuperSify, use the following reference to login / logout.


Login ss -u username -p password
Logout ss -l


Login ./ -u username -p password
Logout ./ -l

Note: ss is a Windows batch file and is a shell script for Linux / Mac.
If you wish to skip these scripts, use java -jar supersify.jar instead of the corresponding script name in the above commands

java -jar supersify.jar -u username -p password [-a 60/30] [-m XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX] [-v level] [-k]

where XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX is your mac address, level is your verbosity level and -k is for keypress suppresion.

How to get it working the easy way?

Create a batch file with the following command

java -jar supersify.jar -u username -p password

Replace username and password with the one provided to you. Save this file as Login.

Now create another batch file with the following command

java -jar supersify.jar -l

Save this file as Logout.

Now create shortcuts for these batch files and then place them on your desktop for easy reach.


  • You can create a batch file in notepad by saving it in *.bat extension
  • Also make sure that both the batch files are under the same directory where supersify is unzipped

To read more about SuperSify, click here. It is the first version of SuperSify that works with the new protocol and some features such as heartbeat support & GUI will be added soon. This post will reflect changes with the versions of SuperSify.

Feel free to ask anything & don’t forget to comment on it!


4 responses to “SuperSify v0.9 – Alternative Sify Client”

  1. how to get it work .. i tried but not successful..

  2. @Vijay
    What problem are you facing? Be more descriptive so that I can help.

  3. Abha Agarwal Avatar
    Abha Agarwal

    After a lot of trials and errors I was finally able to get a message saying connecting to the sify server. Just when I was happy it said not able to detect the MAC address automatically as java 6 is required and it said please key in manually and instead of the square brackets its asking in “XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX” now my question wat do we do??? I mean do I just type in the mac address in quotes and then should it work???

  4. @Abha
    You might want to ask Brian for this. He is the developer of SuperSify.