Where was the author? I am here.

Where was the author? err… Who is the author?
Hello, I am the author of this blog. Head over to the About Me page to know more about me.

Coming back to the question, Where I was in February? I was damn busy. No I wasn’t helping Intel to develop a gigacore processor (heh), I was busy with other stuff.

This month has been a rollercoaster ride for me. I was preparing for two Paper Presentations, Inter-College LAN gaming and my 4SEM Exams. I with my team member gave a presentation on “Techniques used by hackers to gain access to a computer” in my own college i.e. Jaipur Engineering College, India. After giving it a shot, I gave another presentation with my team member on “Artificial Intelligence” in Global Institute of Technology, India. I will be writing on both the topics soon.

I rocked the first presentation on Hacking but the other one on Artificial Intelligence don’t turned out to be good. Well, Mistakes are the best teachers. Right? I assembled a Unreal Team (NFL- No Frags Limit) for the Unreal Tournament but that again was messed up. This time GIT is to be blamed. They provided us with crap hardware. Consider playing Unreal Gold on 640 X 480 resolution on a 256MB RAM computer and fragging with a crawling ball mouse. What a waste of money? Never Mind.

As soon as I was done with the paper presentation stuff and fragging spree, I found myself standing before exams. Just 3 days to go. Ah man.. I again get back to searched for books without complaining and I got high temperature (fever). No how can I study when I am capable of cooking meals on my forehead? I got my exams done and I am expecting a terribly low score this time. I am getting used to it.

And at last, a good news. Being the CE Branch topper of 1st year, I am getting a prize on March 5, 2008. Now this again will be screwed up if they are not going to give any cash prize (heh).

Till now you must agree with me that I was on a rollercoaster ride this month. Well, I am fastly recovering from fever and I am gonna rock my blog again. You can expect posts from today itself. Keep commenting to motivate me in my work.


5 responses to “Where was the author? I am here.”

  1. Congrtas topper. It is difficult to manage time between blog and studies . You will get more time when you reach your last year .

  2. Welcome back and congratulations. Your latest Orkut post was really interesting. I didn’t know those things you mentioned there 🙂

  3. @Shankar, Madhur
    Thanks buddies!

  4. Congrats on being a branch topper and for the prize too.

    “No I wasn’t helping Intel to develop a gigacore processor (heh),”
    That was funny lol.

  5. @Shashank
    Thanks man!
    I am again busy these days. phew….