Blog Statistics For January 2008

First month of this year is over and I am ready to present my stats for January. I got the highest traffic for this month than ever. I am not able to promote my blog much because of time restrictions. I will take care of that soon. If you like our content, don’t forget to subscribe to our feeds to get updates.

January 2008 Blog Statistics

  • Visits: 6107
  • Pageviews: 9,895
  • Pages per Visit: 1.62
  • Bounce Rate: 60.93%
  • Avg. Time on Blog: 1 minutes 31 seconds
  • %New Visits: 92.55%

Traffic Sources


  • Referring Sites: 64.91% (3,964)
  • Search Engines: 25.86% (1,579 )
  • Direct Traffic: 9.24% (564)

Feed Statistics


Feed Subscribers reached a maximum limit of 62+ Subscribers

Yesterday I published popular posts of January. Do check them out if you are new here.

January 2008 Most Popular Posts


9 responses to “Blog Statistics For January 2008”

  1. Good work for this month.

    Organic Traffic is ok, I think it’ll improve naturally as you write more posts and get links.

    All the best for the next month.

  2. @Shankar
    Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I am concentrating on improving organic traffic fast as compared to any other source.

  3. Great going buddy. The stats are good considering you are alo busy with college and dont have broadband connection

  4. Thanks Madhur. Yeah! Dialup sucks a big time.

  5. Congrats on a good month, all the best and keep the good posts coming.

  6. @Nirmal
    Thanks buddy. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Cool work !

    You got a great high number of visitors this month! I was wonderin wat kinda referal traffic you get? where do you post your blog link that you get so many referals?

    Also the stats u used are good, which stat provider are you using? I am using stat counter, it gives very less details :s

  8. @Waqas
    I use Google Analytics. Give it a try. Its one of the best.
    Referral traffic includes Stumbleupon spikes. Other than SU, my own homepage , orkut profile and a bunch of other sites brings me good traffic.

  9. Thankyou Ashfame, I started google analytics too, its cool … I liked it ..! Also i loved your blog and the great plugins that you’ve installed like this these emoticons and the Comments notification via email! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ