is my Online Clipboard


Have you ever come across the situation you need to work on some article or some program code with multiple people all of which are on different computers with just internet access? Well what would you have done? Let me guess. You must have decided as which one of the contributors will be working on which portion and then mail a copy of it to everyone of them. Don’t do it anymore because you can now service like to share content with your team members.

It was just today I felt its need and then I realized that I have not shared this one with my readers. is one service with which you can create your own clipboard like and then select its type. You can use it as a plain text clipboard, rich text clipboard or even as a message board. You can even set it readable by protecting it with a password so that people can only see what you want to share and not edit it. Of course you can provide password to people to whom you want to give the authority of editing.

I use it when I need to work on some program code with a few people(To tell the truth, when I need help to fix some bug). Do give it a try and let me know your reactions.


2 responses to “ is my Online Clipboard”

  1. very Inconvenient 🙁

    I created my own account today. But once inside, i cannot find any options to create a new paste! I have to somehow come back to the original homaepage, and start from there. I wonder then what is the point of creating an account?? Why can’t the features be integrated within one’s account??

    1. Sad to hear that it didn’t work well for you. I don’t use it that much because I work alone.