bbPress has been released

While I have been waiting for the bbPress 1.0 which holds up many changes under the hood, I was today in a little surprised when I saw a new stable version of bbPress version and that too not 1.0

It fixes up many bugs in so it came up before anything else. I am officially announcing my interest in bbPress and I might stick close to it as I am in love with it. (What’s so official about it anyway?)

I always check bbPress forum everyday and today when I saw the about the release, I wanted to see how to upgrade it (just like WordPress or something different) and how is its integration with WordPress.

Upgrading from to is pretty easy. You just need to take care of your configuration file (bb-config.php). Next upload the new files of bbPress by overwriting the files of previous version and you are good to go. However, upgrading from earlier versions can be a little different. I would recommend upgrading a similar setup on a localhost environment.

The next thing that I wanted to do was to see if the tutorial for bbPress integration with WordPress was working fine which I wrote a few days back. I tried on a localhost environment and it was working fine. So you can safely upgrade to the newer version without breaking anything with your existing integration. The same tutorial works fine for integrating bbPress with WordPress 2.7.1

One thing that I would like to bring in everybody’s notice is that tutorial was for basic integration (having bbPress in a sub-directory of WordPress), deep integrations might work fine too but I am not sure.

I recommend using & sticking with the stable release on a live production site. You can upgrade to v 1.0 anytime but downgrade is not possible (although feasible).

Download bbPress

I offer integration of both the scripts (bbPress + WordPress) as a service when you hire me. If you have any questions regarding anything, then leave a comment here or get on with me on Gtalk (ashishsainiashfame) and I will be glad to help you out. Have your say! I am all ears.