Tag: bbPress

  • bbPress Development Visual Roadmap

    Today, WPCandy published the WordPress 3.1 Visual Roadmap which was pretty awesome. So, I thought I would create a similar video for bbPress. I used Gource to create the video and please note that first video is of the trunk version and second video is of the new plugin branch (bbPress as a WordPress plugin).…

  • Install / Change bbPress to a different language

    Today I am going to write a quick post on how one can switch the language in bbPress forums as I saw someone asking about it on bbPress.org official forums. Installing bbPress in a different language or changing it to a different language in an already installed bbPress follows exactly the same procedure. There is…

  • Match bbPress theme with WordPress via Deep Integration

    A quick post for today, that I have written a tutorial for the bbPress community which was very much in demand for a long time and will help many bbPress users with (at least one of the most) important issue concerning their forums to match it up with their existing bbPress site. To have a…

  • Check mail sending capabilities of your webhost

    I have seen numerous discussions and queries on subjects which varies from simple plugins to fully complex scripts, all being blamed by people that they didn’t work but they are unable to receive an expected email. And most of the time it has to do with the webhost. Several webhosts disable the mail sending capabilities…

  • bbPress deep integration advantages & disadvantages

    As we know that bbPress integrates with WordPress quite well but there seems to be some confusion regarding the type of integration people tend to go with. I am writing this post with the aim of clearing the difference between the two and how to pick with what suits you the most. There are two…

  • Deep integration of bbPress with WordPress

    I have written tutorials to simple integrate bbPress with WordPress but Deep integration tends to take it to the next step. To know more about deep integration, read my upcoming post (to be published tomorrow). Before we can deep integrate bbPress with WordPress, we need to simple integrate it. You can follow the bbPress WordPress…

  • bbPress WordPress Integration benefits

    Today I would like to share some knowledge about the benefits gained by integration two products of Automattic which goes closely to the needs of a web publisher. WordPress is used as a blogging engine and is well capable of being used as a full fledged CMS and it also won the Open Source CMS…