Maintain your music profile with

We do listen to music all the time. Now don’t we? But we rarely aggregate our music listening habits like most played tracks, favorite artists etc. And when it comes to getting recommendations, we are at the mercy of others who don’t even know our taste of music and might recommend something they like, not what we are going to like.

That’s why we have a great service – which keep tracks of you music listening habits. You will always have your library available online with your organized playlists and favorite tracks. And the most important thing it recommends you music on the basis of your listening habits. Now isn’t that something which makes perfect sense? It also notifies you of any nearby events (like concerts) on the basis of your location

I love service which also features a free trial of their personalized radio which plays new songs for you matching with your taste and believe me I was pretty much satisfied with the recommendations.

Other things that you can take a quick look at are:

Played Count


Recently Listened Tracks




Top Artists


Top Tracks

lastfm-top-tracks Scrobbler

To start using you just need to sign up a account with them, download scrobbler and use their scrobbler while listening to music in your media player. lastfm

It will keep sending your scrobbled tracks to their servers which reflects on internet in real time. People can actually see what music you are listening at the moment.

The scrobbler will itself take the played tracks list from your iPod when you connect it.

You can also get the scrobbler for your iPhone or Android too. I use it with my Nokia N86 too. Well more on that later. Right now you need to go and try out their service and enjoy listening to music you will never get bored of.

Add me as a friend – Ashfame on


3 responses to “Maintain your music profile with”

  1. […] updates or subscribe to my RSS feeds. Thanks for visiting! My last post was about how one can maintain a music profile on and today I am writing about a service which tweets your Top Artists weekly. This was our different […]

  2. Aakash Agarwal Avatar
    Aakash Agarwal

    Seems cool! I am gonna sign up for it.

    1. Yeah buddy! Try on 🙂