Facebook launches new profile layout

I switched to the Facebook new layout for profiles today. I sorta liked it but it has been receiving mixed responses from everyone.

Good things is that the user doesn’t need to wait to try it own. No invitations needed, no waiting for availability for your account or nothing. Just head over and grab it.

You will not be able to switch back to the old design after upgrading. They will be rolling it out to everyone eventually, so just grab it and get used to it. You might even find it better. Check out the screenshots if you would like to see it before hand.


My Facebook Profile


The layout shows a quick summary about you and recent pictures in which you were tagged.

Share your experiences


New Facebook Layout give a more complete picture of how you spend your time, including your projects at work, the classes you take and other activities you enjoy (like hiking or reading). You can even include the friends who share your experiences.

Discover common interests


Showcase the things you care about most and connect with friends who share the same interests, including sports teams, the people who inspire you and more. Your top interests now appear as a row of images — just drag and drop to put your favorites first.

Highlights meaningful relationships


Relationships with close friends can be just as important as family. Now you can highlight family members and the other key people in your life, like your best friends or coworkers — all right on your profile.

See how you connect with friends


Visit a friend’s profile and see all the things you share in common:

  • Mutual friends
  • Events you’re both planning to attend
  • Shared groups, photos, Wall posts and more

You can upgrade to the new profile layout immediately – Activate FB new profile layout. Click on the green button on the top right and you are done.

And in case if you have any question about the new layout, you can head over to the help center.

[fbvideo id=”10150349956720484″]

Lastly, I would like to hear your thoughts on the new layout. Comment section is all yours!


One response to “Facebook launches new profile layout”

  1. Here is a Facebook Application that let you design your profile better: