My friend, Shankar Ganesh, is involved with Kontactr which provides an easy way for people to let others contact them. After some talk with my friend about implementing it as a plugin on the WordPress side, today I am going to do a quick post on Kontactr implementation on WordPress. Its very basic at the moment but I just wanted to show that adapting it to be a WordPress plugin is certainly very easy.
<?php /* Plugin Name: Kontactr WordPress Plugin Plugin URI: Description: Provides a shortcode which you can use to embed Kontactr form in your page Author: Ashfame Author URI: License: GPL Usage: [kontactr id=78523] in a post or page and <?php echo do_shortcode('[kontactr id=78523]'); ?> in your theme anywhere */ add_shortcode ( 'kontactr', 'kontactr_handler' ); function kontactr_handler( $atts, $content = null ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( "id" => 0 ), $atts )); if ( $id == 0 ) return; else { $output = '<script type="text/javascript"> id = '.$id.'; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; return $output; } } ?>
You would need to take your ID from your Kontactr account, and then use it as follows:
[kontactr id=78523]
78523 is my ID. So replace it with your own.
You can also use this shortcode anywhere in the theme as
<?php echo do_shortcode('[kontactr id=78523]'); ?>
Download Kontactr WordPress plugin
If you have any questions, ask them in the comments section.
One response to “Kontactr WordPress plugin”
Good one sir