Author: Ashfame

  • Page template usage in WordPress

    How does a normal WordPress page look like? Header, content, sidebar and footer. What if you want a different layout for a particular page or a set of pages. A different sidebar or multiple sidebar or no sidebar at all? Different styling and arrangement of other things (purely CSS based)? Anything different from the regular…

  • WordPress as CMS basic Setup

    Two things you would like to setup before you move on with the series is to select your permalink settings and the way you can setup WordPress to act both as CMS and regular blogging engine.

  • WordPress CMS Series

    I am starting this series so as to demonstrate the capabilities of using WordPress as CMS coupled up with other scripts (like forum script bbPress). The series will begin with the implementation details of WordPress and bbPress in my recent project Need A Project (a site for students looking to improve their coding skills). Then…

  • New Orkut Screenshots & Invites Giveaway

    A few days back, Orkut got a revamped look with some additional functionalities but new Orkut is available to users on invite only. When I checked today then I saw the invitation on my Orkut home. An important thing to note is that one need an invite to use new Orkut. Either you get it…

  • [bbPress Plugin] How to disable bbPress registrations

    There may be cases where users want to disable new member registrations so as to keep the forum close to the existing members only or its a invite only forum or whatever the case may be. In this post I will demonstrate how can you disable bbPress registrations.

  • WordPress Optimized WebHost – WpWebHost Review

    Selecting the right webhost is crucial for a web publisher as it keep hosting woes at bay and let the publisher concentrate on what is important i.e. generating content. WpWebHost Offers everything one would expect out of a hosting package. The thing worth mentioning about them is that their servers are specially configured for WordPress…

  • Why use sftp instead of ftp

    We all know about the good old FTP which we have used so many times to upload or download data from/to a web server to/from our computer. But do we know how much risk is involved in using FTP? Many of us don’t. So through this post, I will try to highlight why one should…