Author: Ashfame

  • Using Ubuntu Notification System – NotifyOSD

    Ubuntu features a notification system, where you can see a message notifying you about some particular event. Rhythmbox uses it to show the next track when a track ends, Filezilla shows a notification that file transfers are completed when its window is not in focus (Very handy!) and so on several applications can use it…

  • Creating a backdoor in WordPress

    First post in my WordPress Evil series, I will demonstrate how I can create a backdoor in WordPress. Idea of this post came from a question on WordPress Answers where someone asked – Is there a security risk giving someone temporary access to my blog’s code? Example #1 Change the admin password after a certain…

  • WordPress Evil Post Series

    Yeah! That sounded right. This is a post series where I will show you how to use WordPress to do evil, unethical things which surely doesn’t mean WordPress is a bad piece of software. Its really a great one considering every thing has its share of Pros & Cons. Remember, just like we say, Technology…

  • Quickly setup a localhost environment in Ubuntu

    Although, I use Ubuntu, this should apply to a large number of linux distros. Every developer uses a local environment to develop locally before testing it live. I kinda avoid that root by mounting my FTP webspace in Ubuntu and directly working on live files (there is no need of download and upload as you…

  • Deal with Blog Scrappers getting indexed quicker than the original site

    Although its not something that one should be worried about as such things often happen, and its actually a sign that you are growing. I would suggest you to just keep going on with the quality content on your site and not to worry about them scrapping your articles. Google does a pretty good job…

  • bbPress Development Visual Roadmap

    Today, WPCandy published the WordPress 3.1 Visual Roadmap which was pretty awesome. So, I thought I would create a similar video for bbPress. I used Gource to create the video and please note that first video is of the trunk version and second video is of the new plugin branch (bbPress as a WordPress plugin).…

  • free Internet Radio hack is a great service which scrobbles (track) what music you listen to and then recommend you new music based on what you like to listen. You can totally keep your music database online and discover new music that you will actually like. It works great. It offers an Internet radio service which is paid…