Category: How To / Tutorials

  • Fix for my-templates and my-plugins folder not working in bbPress

    It has been asked multiple times on bbPress forums that the themes and plugins are not working when they are copied to my-templates and my-plugins folder. Even I ran into this while I was designing a theme so if you too are facing issues in getting your bbPress templates & plugins to work, then you…

  • How to install bbPress via SVN

    SVN is a version control system which can facilitate installation and upgradation of scripts like bbPress, WordPress etc & make them really easy. Apart from the ease in maintenance, it also helps in saving a lot of time as compared to traditional methods of uploading files via unsecured FTP session. Installing and updating just requires…

  • How to install wordpress via SVN

    SVN is a version control system which can facilitate installation and upgradation of scripts like WordPress & make them really easy. Apart from the ease in maintenance, it also helps in saving a lot of time as compared to traditional methods of uploading files via unsecured FTP session. You can install WordPress with a single…

  • Change gravatar size in bbPress theme

    Here is a quick post on how you can change the size of the gravatar size on your bbPress forums within your theme and not touching any of its core files. By default the gravatar is of size 48px (image of 48 X 48) and here we are going to change it to something big,…

  • Upgrade existing integrated installations of WordPress & bbPress

    I wrote the tutorial on integrating WordPress 2.8 with bbPress 1.0 a few days back and today I am writing instructions for upgrading your integrated WordPress 2.7 & bbPress 0.9 installations as we needed some workarounds to previously integrate them but now integration between them is a out of the box feature. If you are…

  • Integrate bbPress 1.0 with WordPress 2.8

    I was away so didn’t get a chance to write this tutorial but now I am back on track and here it is. This tutorial is for people starting with fresh installations of WordPress 2.8 or 2.9 & bbPress 1.0. There is also a tutorial for upgrading existing integrated installations of WordPress & bbPress. And…

  • Check webdesign in different versions of IE

    I am a freelancer web designer and as a web designer I design websites that are cross browser compatible. I know how much of a pain is IE for all web designers. So today I am sharing something that will help some, if not many of the web designers (front end developers).