Match bbPress theme with WordPress via Deep Integration

wordpress bbpress integration

A quick post for today, that I have written a tutorial for the bbPress community which was very much in demand for a long time and will help many bbPress users with (at least one of the most) important issue concerning their forums to match it up with their existing bbPress site.

To have a consistent look, either you design a bbPress theme matching exactly with your WordPress theme or you deep integrate the setup and use WordPress functions while on bbPress pages to display the bbPress content in WordPress theme pages. The former one is the best approach as it doesn’t involve any overhead of deep integration but I believe that its very important for a webmaster to match the theme via deep integration dealing with the overhead till the forum (project) can gain momentum and one can actually invest in for a custom theme. This is a cost effective approach too.


Here is the tutorial – Make bbPress theme match with WordPress using Deep Integration

Let me know what you think 🙂


3 responses to “Match bbPress theme with WordPress via Deep Integration”

  1. Hi @Ashfame
    I just installed bbPress on my WordPress blog. Now I would love it to appear ‘inside’ my blog as another page NOT as a separate page. Do you have tutorial How To do it? Can you help?

    All the best,
    End Goal Marketing

    1. Hi Goga,

      The tutorial link is in the article itself. From there you can follow it, or if you feel uncomfortable doing it yourself, then you can hire me to do it for you.

  2. thanks will take a look