Tag: Chrome

  • How to Import Delicious Bookmarks & Tags

    In case you are just wondering, Delicious future is undecided as it hangs in between of shutting down or being sold, users are very much concerned about their bookmarks and tags that they have saved for several years. Lots of solutions are coming out lately to save delicious bookmarks and tags and I am compiling…

  • Examine HTML headers in Firefox and Google Chrome

    I needed to check an issue in which the deep integrated bbPress forum pages were showing up along with a 404 header code generated by WordPress. I am showing you how you can view html headers in both Firefox and Chrome. HTML headers in Firefox using Firebug You will need Firebug addon. Open the page…

  • Chrome extension to display unread emails in Gmail

    Email is a good communication tool but it also tends to be the one in which we waste most of our time by continuously checking for new emails and unread mails instead of dealing with them in batch which can save a lot of time and is an efficient approach. I am also in a…