Examine HTML headers in Firefox and Google Chrome

I needed to check an issue in which the deep integrated bbPress forum pages were showing up along with a 404 header code generated by WordPress. I am showing you how you can view html headers in both Firefox and Chrome.

HTML headers in Firefox using Firebug

You will need Firebug addon.

Open the page for which you would like to examine HTTP headers.

Press F12, shortcut key for Firebug.


Click on Page Speed, then click on Resources and then on the left, click on the + sign of every HTTP request you would like to examine.


You can view the header code without expanding the request.

HTML headers in Google Chrome

In Google Chrome, open the page for which you would like to examine the HTTP headers.

Press Ctrl + Shift + i, shortcut key for Developers Tool.


Click on Resources, then click on Documents, select the resource and click on HTTP information, Request Headers or Response Headers to expand them.

Now this post may not be handy but it will help for sure when you want to look out for 404 errors being returned on your site. Happy digging around ๐Ÿ™‚


15 responses to “Examine HTML headers in Firefox and Google Chrome”

  1. The comparison of 2 explorer’s headers is very good…. I think the HTML headers in Google Chrome contains the detailed information of the server than the other.

    1. Thanks for your comment! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. you are the expert … ! informative post…

  3. Not all headers are shown by Chrome.
    Google have some secrets =)

    1. And what are those? ๐Ÿ˜›

      1. Cookies are not show.

        1. Cookies are not show*n*. I’m beginning to dislike this keyboard. ๐Ÿ™

          1. heh.. Are you talking about chrome here? Cuz its the only one for which we has to browse in the options.

  4. Hi,

    I just ran a test using Google Chrome and SiteOrbiter.

    Chrome returns a 200 status on the same page that SiteOrbiter says is a 301 status.

    What could explain that?


    1. Hi Josh,

      Not sure what that could be. Can it be the case that Chrome is reporting the status after a 301 redirection? And SiteOrbiter is showing the one before redirection.
      I would try firefox too to see what it has to say.

  5. Thanks. Could this have to do with the fact that it’s an https:// url?

    My true goal is to ensure that 301 redirects are correctly in place and to map the site.

    Is there a better way to do this (using a Mac)?

    Thanks again,

    1. Sorry! No idea about that. Some more googling might help!

  6. I tried this with my Chrome browser but have been unable to find the Documents tab under the Resources listing.

    I made a way too long post on a website that resulted in a 500 error on the page the site posted to.

    When i click “back” the form is blank, so i was hoping i could use this to somehow copy the POST data via chrome so i didnt have to retype everything once again.

    Unfortunately i can’t get it to work ๐Ÿ™

    1. Lake, this part is now located somewhere else.
      You need to click the “Network” tab, then refresh the page, the “document” button is at the bottom.