3 Untalked Sources of Traffic

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What every blogger wish for his/her blog? No, not money. Its traffic that rules blogosphere. Rightly believe, traffic is essentially good for a blog to survive and keep the blogger in spirit to continue with his blog as traffic provide him/her the inspiration to blog and the fact that people are visiting his/her blog & gaining something motivates him/her and keep the blogger on the track. Every blogger shares his/her views to get traffic for their blog but I am going to share three sources of traffic that are never talked about in the blogosphere. So, it goes like this.

  1. Blogging on events and happenings of Web2.0 : This is a tricky one to work out but it has worked out for me when i experimented on my old blog. Let me clear this idea with the help of an example. When Orkut Blog was launched, I blogged about it. My blog appears on the list “Links to this post” on Orkut’s Blog and I used to get traffic from that list for many days. Get into touch with the creators of certain services and have a healthy conversation about their service and blog about it. Everybody blogs about the happenings that is already available somewhere else on the net. Be the first one to blog about something new and gain popularity.
  2. Provide Useful Stuff : Its not content that everybody is looking for. Many times people are looking for certain things that if you can provide, can get you some real stats for traffic. Like if you are a coder and knows programming, you can create plugins for wordpress or any other application whose functionality can be enhanced by adding plugins. You can also create themes for blogs (WordPress themes) Windows themes & Mobile themes. Remember sky is the limit for a programmer. Its up to the skill of a programmer by which he can make things to work the way he want. You can also create ebooks occasionally on topics related to your niche to gain momentum for your blog.
  3. Compile a Useful List : Ask yourself a question. What does many people search for? Many of you will justify my answer of looking for solution of their problems. For this you can create a good compilation of tutorials, how to etc. I like the how to page of Dj Flush of Sizlopedia. Check out his How to page here. Thanks to Dj Flush for such a great compilation. I liked the list.

Start working out and gain some real stats for your blog.



One response to “3 Untalked Sources of Traffic”

  1. It’s a big difference between traffic and traffic that can be monetized, and the 3 ideas you wrote are good to get comments and such, but it’s much harder to get search engine visitors.