How to find Proxy servers with IP address and Port number

Proxy servers are used to access Internet by routing your request to a proxy server instead of directly to the server with whom you are communicating with. The proxy server makes a request on your behalf and return the result of the same back to you. It helps in cases of Internet censorship when a particular website or web service is banned in your location, be it a country or an office.

What generally people do is to open a proxy site in which they type in the web address or URL they want to access and then the page is displayed in the browser by the proxy server and all the link on the page are converted so that further requests when a user clicks on a link are routed & served by the proxy server only. But some desktop applications can also make use of proxy servers by configuring the options to route their requests to a proxy server for which you need the IP Address and Port number of the proxy server and login credentials (username & password), in case the proxy server is a private server and not open for general public. Example: Web browsers, FTP clients, Torrent clients, Media players etc

And sometimes there is even a need of a country based proxy because services like streams free internet radio to users from US, UK & Germany. There can be several examples.

Whenever you need a good and stable proxy server, you can get a list at The page itself keeps on updating the status of proxy servers.


You can filer proxy server listing by based on their location i.e. country, the port they run on (some applications only accept a proxy on a particular port or don’t let you change it)


How to find a good proxy server?

If you observe the list, there are a lot of options to choose from. Good thing, but with more options comes the problem of picking up a good one. So, I will give you a quick tip to pick up a fast & speedy proxy server.


If you see the list, there are two bars which show the health of the proxy server. First one shows the speed and the other shows the connection time. So only look for those which show green state and hence are a good option. But chose those which are not completely green but those which are a little less because they are less likely to get a stream of more users and should sustain for more time before they go busy and stop working for you, hence you will need to make less switches as compared to picking up which is already stuffed by users. Moreover some web services might put up a restriction on users who might be using their service from the same IP (proxy server).

And also I would recommend to avoid using proxy servers for transferring any sensitive data like your gmail accounts, bank accounts etc. You can never be sure what they can do (I mean they are technically feasible of saving what data you pass through them which means your login credentials are exposed. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a shout in the comments.

In case you are a Stumble Upon user, then here is a quick tip (probably fastest method) to find proxy servers.


7 responses to “How to find Proxy servers with IP address and Port number”

  1. […] However note that only US / UK / Germany based proxy will work. Learn how to find a good and fast proxy server IP address & port. […]

  2. Hi Ash,
    Thanks for the site content. I’m finding it quite helpful in brushing up my concepts.

    Guys, Could you please help me in solving a small stuff..
    my college is using the openDNS program to filter sites and its quite creepy as it blocks almost everything that is informative on web(even this blog under software talk filter).
    I’m using proxy server addresses to make things easy for me, but the problem is that those IP’s change everyday and usually the sites with this list are also blocked under proxy filter by this program.
    Also i have tried changing the DNS address,but since i’m not always the admin,it is not feasible everytime.
    So can anyone suggest me any other “SMART” way to help me through.
    Kindly remember here that i lack any admin privileges.
    thanks in advance…:)

    for Internet Freedom

    1. Hi Hawk,

      There is a service, can’t recall which will permanently route all your requests to their servers but will serve ads on top of every page, so it will get noticed pretty soon. Best would be to setup your own proxy or use a paid proxy which can actually get you started. If you want an easy solution for the lists, I think the site does have daily email options for mailing you the proxy lists. Try that if possible.

    2. alright bro… there is an access to a hidden administrator on your computer that overpowers all of the others. all you have to do is:
      1. open command prompt/cmd
      2. type in net user administrator /active:yes
      3. now it should say something like successful or complete or something in a positive reaction….
      4. now click log off or restart and then whenever you get to the select user screen, select administrator and you should have overpowering admin. and is the filtering program k9??

  3. hello, thank you for this lil tutorial, it was very helpful! 🙂 and it worked for me ( radio).

  4. sent me new ip proxy server

  5. Trying to connect to wifi on the apt. Above me.
    I have their permission. But on their router box I can’t find the proxy port. Proxy server. Or I really don’t know what to look for or … it doesn’t say proxy anything.. please help..