Author: Ashfame

  • I JUST MADE LOVE.COM – Now that’s an innovative idea

    Innovative Idea, I would say. I liked the concept more than I did the logo. I Just Made is about marking the places where you made love. It uses Google Maps to show you the world map. You can browse and zoom in to the place which you want to mark. Right click on…

  • Install bbPress locally offline on your computer

    Alright! This tutorial is based on a friend’s request who wished to install a local copy of bbPress on his laptop so that he can play around with it. Moreover I use it offline to develop themes and plugins. If you have ever installed WordPress or bbPress manually, then its exactly the same procedure but…

  • How to change an existing bbPress install into a SVN one

    I have earlier written about how you can install bbPress via SVN and now I am going to write on how you can change your existing installation to a SVN one so that you get the ease of upgrading to newer versions.

  • Lunascape – Triple Engine Browser

    We web designers know how important it is to check our web designs in different browsers as different browsers interpret things differently because they are based on different engines. Not to mention we have IE 6 (I hate it as much as I love my love). Right now apart from Multiple IE browser trick, and…

  • [bbPress Plugin] Remove meta generator tag

    Flaws are everywhere. The point is how quickly they are fixed but it seems that some users are lazy enough not to upgrade or go on for a vacation before they decide to update. bbPress adds a meta generator tag to the page which shows up the bbPress version but it is advised to remove…

  • 3 creative ways of showcasing your best content on sidebar

    Every WordPress blog highlights best of its content in the sidebar in order to give the visitor a reason to stick around and read some more of its content and then possibly end up subscribing to the blog or becoming a regular reader. Here I am highlighting 3 creative ways of showcasing your content on…

  • My New Project – Need A Project

    Howdy! Finally I managed to push out one of my projects from the pipeline – Need A Project. Its all about coding in C, C++, JAVA, PHP, MySQL, xHTML & CSS. It aims for students and wanna-be programmers to interact on forums and improve their programming skill set.