GnuCash – Your free personal finance manager!


This guest post was written by Mayank of ReviewSaurus. For more free software reviews, visit

Alright not exactly but yes, you here is an open-source tool which can help you manage your accounts without much hassles. GNU-Cash is the program which I’m talking about here. GNU-Cash is a free and open-source software and which can easily manage your personal accounts and help you in managing your complete accounts by letting you easily edit Expenses, Income, Credits, Loans etc. and can give you an actual picture of how you are doing when it comes to money management.


(Click to Enlarge)

Let’s look at the PROS & CONS of GnuCash.

PROS of GnuCash

  • It’s free and open-source.
  • Full of features and takes in account all the aspects of personal finance management.
  • All sorts of reports to display where your money is going and where you should cut down to ensure you can save money.
  • Let’s you manage the small business accounts too and thus allowing you to maintain the books in a much convenient way.
  • Support for connecting to Online-Banking too.

CONS of GnuCash

  • Interface could have been better. I really think that it’s not the easiest of the lot.
  • Although, it supports online-banking but it doesn’t have support for most of the banking systems and thus you may not be able to connect to your bank’s database.

All in all, GnuCash is great open-source personal finance management software but it still can’t be really compared to the ease of use provided by Microsoft Money but there is no harm in trying the software which is free. If at all, you get a hang of it, I’m sure you won’t ask for anything more.


5 responses to “GnuCash – Your free personal finance manager!”

  1. […] GnuCash – Your free <b>personal finance</b> manager! […]

  2. Really cool ones. Stumbled. 😛

    1. Glad that you find them interesting and thanks for the stumble.

  3. Indeed a cool software , but is it better than Tally [ 7.2 to be precise]?

  4. @Swapnil Joshi
    I have never used Tally. If you have used it, then why not try GnuCash and tell us which one is better.