Category: Tips n Tricks
WordPress Plugin to fix Facebook Like Thumbnail
Today, Facebook pushed live another change which made Like button work similar to what we had known the Share button to do. Just to brush up, Share button was used to show the Title, Description and a screenshot of the page which you shared and the Like button would only show up as a line…
How to find Proxy servers with IP address and Port number
Proxy servers are used to access Internet by routing your request to a proxy server instead of directly to the server with whom you are communicating with. The proxy server makes a request on your behalf and return the result of the same back to you. It helps in cases of Internet censorship when a…
Facebook Apps are stealing users data
We all know people try dozens of Facebook Apps to kill time on Facebook. Although some are legitimate but majority of them are just scam. If you care about your privacy i.e. your personal details, then this article is for you. Apps like Who will murder you? and Know when will you die? are stupid…
Check camera pictures quality using Flickr
Today I am going to share a quick tip of how you can check the picture quality of professional cameras and several smart mobile phones before buying them. You can even compare with competitive cameras & mobile phones, as a matter of fact you can do anything as you have real shots taken by people…
Earn 1GB free Dropbox space in Dropquest 2011
I just completed the quiz – Dropquest 2011 and earned up to 1GB of free Dropbox space. (Why you need Dropbox?) Dropquest 2011 Cheatsheet Here are the steps you can take to completely complete the quiz: Step 1 Step 2 5305404/18681 = 284 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 zip password…
Connect to a FTP server in Ubuntu without any FTP client
You don’t need a FTP client to connect to a FTP server in Ubuntu, in fact this seems a lot better than traditional FTP download and upload method, though it is still the same but we don’t have to do it manually. We mount the FTP space of a server on our system and can…
VPS Hosting Benefits for a Growing Site
These days it’s not just web designers that are in the market for a web hosting package, now practically anyone can have a website with easy to use builder templates and accessible e-commerce and blogging tools. But it comes down to which package is the right fit, whether you go with shared hosting, virtual private…